I’m not going to go deep woo-woo here and tell you the flower doesn’t stop blooming because it doesn’t feel worthy. That’s so… 2000, and it makes me laugh for some reason.
But I do ask, do you feel worthy?
It’s feeling like you are WORTH recognizing.
Recently some friends and I were discussing “bartering” versus getting paid for services. I have the opinion that bartering isn’t healthy for a growing practice or business because it energetically wasn’t showing that both parties valued the service being provided fully.
So let’s talk money and being worthy…
So often practitioners have hang-ups asking clients to pay for their services – and it’s tied to “not feeling worthy” –
Here’s my quick value check:
+ Do you hesitate to ask people to pay you for your services?
+ Do you believe the value of the service you provide exceeds what you charge?
+ Do you look at people who are successful and think “I do that so much better! Why are they killing it and I’m struggling?”
+ If someone says no, or balks at your prices, do you immediately go to negotiations and discounts?
+ Do you charge every client a different price?
If you answered, “yes” to any of them, then it might be valuable to think about why that is happening and what it means about what you ACTUALLY think you’re worth.
What if it wasn’t this way… what would your business be like if you were just able to unleash your genius on the world without a filter about feeling worthy?
What’s your big dream?
Can you actually see, taste, and feel that dream? Is it so real that you know it’s right around the corner, or is it a Fantasy Island kind of thing where the odds of achieving it are about the same as winning the lottery?
Your dream, and how realistic you think it is, is directly connected to how worthy you feel of the money your clients are paying you.
If you don’t feel worthy of your dreams, and you can’t ask for money in exchange for your genius services, then please re-think what you are doing, or re-think how you are doing it because it’s a long, hard road ahead.
And it’s not real.
You feeling “worthy” is mostly a switch in your head. AND it’s NOT REAL.
You can change it.
So again, I ask you, what would be possible if you felt worthy?
If you know it’s a problem in your business success, or you suspect it might be, and you want solutions – let’s connect for 20 minutes and I’ll give you a strategy to take it on.
It’s my gift to you, my service to the world – because I’m out to change the world by unleashing one genius at a time!