What do you every day? Do you meditate? Do you exercise? Do you eat granola or eggs or green vegetables? Do you go out for a favorite drink that you have every day at 3?
Do you do these things consciously or are they just “natural?” Does your daily “thing” actually contribute to your life and business, or is it just clutter?
Your personal practices flavor your interactions. If you have practices that support you being a leader, then you will be more likely to lead. If you practice calm, then perhaps you will be the one in the office who is calm in the storm.
Going to Starbucks for a coffee every day at 10am might be clutter – just another distraction from what really needs to get done. It might also be a sacred “me time” to get out and breathe fresh air and recharge for ten minutes. It’s really up to you and how you DO the thing you are doing.
Conscious habits can have deeper results. Clean the kitchen counter off with a dry towel. Now with a soap and sponge. Now with a Clorox wipe. Which is cleaner? They all look clean – but they aren’t all the same level of “clean.” It’s the same with your daily habits or routines.
The intention behind your habits gives them more power. If you make it a point to read something for 15 minutes every day that will help you understand sales better, you will gain sales skills. If you listen to a podcast three days a week about leadership skills, you can start practicing new skills and will see a change in your abilities.
Maybe you need to make conscious time to unplug and be creative – this can have profound effects to recharge and inspire.
Turbo charge your results. The power in any new habit or practice is in the context, or reason, behind it.
Choose to add something to your life because it will help you get to your goal, build your business, or keep your life from feeling out of control – and feel the power of your commitment behind it. See the connection between what you are doing and why you are doing it WHILE you are doing it. Make it non-negotiable.
If that Starbucks run at 10 is a sacred “rest” time, then by all means do it. Relish it in the moment and NEVER let it get interrupted. If it’s something that you just do, then give it up as life’s clutter and trade up because it’s not going to help your life or your business.
Take a minute to share something with me on FB that you do every day and how it helps benefits you and your business.