I was recently asked to consider whether or not I had a “Plan B” for my business.
The question wasn’t in response to whether or not I had ideas about different streams of revenue or how to grow my business, but about calls I was making and people I was talking to. Her point was this: If I wasn’t FULLY committed to my business, and had an “out” plan ready and waiting, then why did I think I would behave as if I was really invested, and more importantly why should my clients treat me as if I was serious?
I’ve had this conversation before – and applied it to relationships, business dealings and even dog training but I had never applied it to making calls. In this context, it hits on a very “energetic and woo-woo” level, but it felt true. If I wasn’t absolutely clear that I wanted to connect with someone, why in the world would they respond to me like it was important to have that call?
Now, regarding my calls – I am “all in” in my business, but wasn’t totally committed to these particular callers because I had dismissed them as “probably not the right fit.” I just sent them the message that they are not my people – so… I wouldn’t want to talk to me either. (Attitude adjustment made!)
If you have one foot out the door, or at least the idea in the back of your mind that you could slip out this gig and into something else – what is the invisible message you are telling your potential clients or current customers?
If you aren’t committed – your customers won’t be committed. That backup plan – that “Plan B” – could be quietly killing your business.
Are you “all in” or are you just spending some time vacationing here until you find someplace better to live?